Privacy Policy

Effective Date: March 12, 2024
Last Update: May 22, 2024

The Molson Foundation Privacy Policy

Your privacy is important to The Molson Foundation (“The Molson Foundation”, “we”, “us” or “our”). This Privacy Policy applies to our activities and describes our practices with respect to the collection, use and disclosure of personal information, as well as any rights you may have with respect to your personal information (as defined in the Definition of “Personal Information” section).


Table of Contents:

  1. Scope and application
  2. Definition of “Personal Information”
  3. What Personal Information do we collect?
  4. How we collect Personal Information
  5. How we use Personal Information
  6. How we share Personal Information
  7. Third Parties
  8. How we manage consent and your choices
  9. How we store and safeguard Personal Information
  10. Accessing and correcting your Personal Information
  11. Children
  12. Changes to our Privacy Policy
  13. Who can you contact with Privacy Questions?

1. Scope and application

This Privacy Policy applies whenever you interact with us, including when you visit our website on which this Privacy Policy is posted (the “Website”), apply for or receive funding from us (“The Molson Foundation Funding”), or otherwise communicate with us.

2. Definition of “Personal Information”

“Personal information” is any information that identifies, or could be reasonably associated with, an individual (collectively, “individual” or “you”). This may include, for example, your name, contact information, email- address, and information relating to your file with us (as the case may be). It may also include other types of more technical information, but only when this information can identify you as an individual.

Information that is aggregated, anonymized or otherwise cannot be associated with an identifiable individual is not considered to be personal information.

3. What Personal Information do we collect?

We limit the collection of personal information to what is reasonably required to fulfill the purposes set out in the section entitled “How we Use Personal Information”. We collect personal information in a variety of ways, including: directly from you, from third parties, and when you are interacting with us through our Website.

Personal information we collect may include:

  • Identifiers and contact information, such as your name, email and postal addresses, telephone numbers, and website;
  • Browsing activity on our Website, such as pages and events viewed, your IP address, and geolocation data;
  • Any other information you provide to us (as further detailed in the How we Collect Personal Information section).

View Summary

4. How we collect Personal Information

We collect personal information in a variety of ways, including: directly from you and through online technologies (such as when you are interacting with us through our Website or social media).

More specifically, we collect personal information in the following ways:

a. Directly From You

You may provide personal information to us by mail, by email, over the telephone, through our Website or in any other direct manner, for instance when you apply for Molson Foundation Funding, respond to our emails, or contact us with inquiries.

b. Through Online Technologies

We may collect certain types of information electronically when you interact with our Website, email or social media accounts, either directly or through the use of our or a third party’s technologies, which include cookies, web beacons, pixels or analytics services. This information supports the functioning of our Website, email and social media accounts, and helps us understand your use thereof.

You may delete or disable certain of these technologies at any time via your browser. However, if you do so, you may not be able to use some of the features on our Website. To learn more about the privacy choices available to you, please see How we Manage Consent and Your Choices and our Cookie Policy.

View Summary

5. How we use Personal Information

We collect data that enables us to achieve our mission of promoting change through donations, grants and collaboration with registered Canadian charities, private foundations, governments and all Canadians, to innovate and improve the communities in which we live, including Aboriginal communities. We use the personal information detailed in section 3 to manage The Molson Foundation Funding and communicate information, manage our operations, undertake research, and as otherwise permitted or required by law.

We use your personal information for the following purposes:

a. Manage The Molson Foundation Funding and Communicating Information

We use your personal information in order to manage grants and communicate with you, for instance:

  • Reviewing and assessing your application, and determining your eligibility for funding;
  • Verifying your identity;
  • Responding to your inquiries or otherwise communicating with you;
  • Provide information we believe may be of interest or assistance to you;
  • Creating, administering, and maintaining your funding file and any subsequent grants.

b. Managing Operations

We use your personal information to manage our operations, for instance:

  • Planning, management of and reporting on The Molson Foundation activities;
  • Enabling your participation in our granting operations;
  • Maintaining the security of the public, our users and our employees;
  • Protecting ourselves and third-parties from errors and fraud;
  • Monitoring and investigating incidents and managing requests;
  • Maintaining and improving The Molson Foundation operations;
  • Notifying you of changes to your file or our Website terms, conditions or policies;
  • Deploying and managing our information technology applications and systems; and
  • Meeting our contractual, legal, regulatory, and accounting obligations.

c. Conducting Research and Data Analytics

We may use your personal information in order to conduct research and data analytics by tracking and analyzing current or previously collected information to undertake research on the impact of The Molson Foundation Funding or other Molson Foundation activities. We may also use such information for research and analytics aimed at improving our operations, or measure the effectiveness of our website and/or communication efforts. When possible, we will use your information in an aggregated and/or de-identified format.

View summary

6. How we share Personal Information

We may share information with our service providers (i.e., companies, consultants, professional advisors and others operating on our behalf) for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy and in accordance with applicable law. We require these service providers to limit their access to and/or use of personal information to what is required to provide their services and adhere to confidentiality as well as security procedures and protections.

We do not sell your personal information to any organization or person; the only exception to this would be if we transfer any part of our operations, assets or activities to a third party, merge with another entity, or engage in another form of transaction. If your personal information is required in connection with any such events, we will comply with the legal requirements for the handling and disclosure of personal information.

Applicable laws may permit or require the use, sharing, or disclosure of personal information without consent in specific circumstances (e.g., when investigating and preventing suspected or actual illegal activities, including fraud, to assist government and law enforcement agencies, or where required by legal proceedings). If this happens, we will not share more personal information than is reasonably required to fulfill that particular purpose.

Other than the purposes described in this Privacy Policy, we may, with your implied or express consent, share or disclose your personal information outside of The Molson Foundation, in accordance with applicable laws.

7. Third Parties

Third parties that you connect with directly through hyperlinks or other information provided on our Website, such as organizations that have partnered with us to provide The Molson Foundation Services, may link and combine information about you to other personal information they may have collected on you, to achieve their own goals and purposes. We do not collect, use or disclose such information, which is subject to the privacy policies of the third-party organization. The Molson Foundation encourages you to review the privacy policies of such organizations as well.

8. How we manage consent and your choices

By interacting with us, you are providing your consent to the collection, use and disclosure of personal information as set out in this Privacy Policy. In some cases, your consent may be “implied” i.e. your permission is assumed based on your action or inaction at the point of collection, use or sharing of your personal information.

We will generally obtain consent when we want to use personal information for a new purpose or for a purpose other than those stated at the time of collection in this Privacy Policy.

Your consent can be withdrawn at any time, except in limited circumstances, including legal or regulatory requirements or as a result of your contractual obligations with us. If you choose not to provide us with certain personal information, withdraw your consent (where such withdrawal is available), unsubscribe or disable cookies, we may not be able to offer you funding that you applied for or that could be offered to you.

9. How we store and safeguard Personal Information and Cross-border Transfers

We take the security of your personal information very seriously and are committed to protecting your privacy by using a combination of administrative, physical, and technical safeguards. We have adopted policies and practices to protect your information, including a data protection policy that provides a framework for our handling of your personal information; an information security policy that defines roles and responsibilities for handling your information throughout its lifecycle, and sets out administrative, physical and technical safeguards and risk management practices; an information classification policy, which sets out how information should be categorized, protected and disposed of; and a procedure for responding to confidentiality incidents. We also have an internal process for dealing with complaints regarding the protection of personal information.

We and our service providers may access or process your personal information outside of Canada, in which case it may be subject to foreign laws, including any law permitting or requiring disclosure of the information to the government, government agencies, courts and law enforcement in that jurisdiction.

We store your personal information for as long as it is necessary to provide you with our services and for a reasonable time thereafter, or as permitted or required by law. Once no longer required, your personal information will be securely destroyed or anonymized (so the information no longer identifies you).

10. Accessing and correcting your Personal Information

You may have the right to access and rectify the personal information we hold about you under the law applicable in the jurisdiction where you reside. In this case, upon request, we will provide you with access to your personal information within a reasonable timeframe, in compliance with applicable laws. We may take reasonable steps to verify your identity before granting access or making corrections. It is your responsibility to provide accurate, correct, and complete information.

You can request access or rectification by contacting our Privacy Officer as described in the “Who Can You Contact With Privacy Questions?” section.

11. Children

We do not knowingly request or collect personal information about children under 14 years of age without prior verifiable consent of his or her parent or legal guardian and complying with any other legal requirements. If we become aware that we have unknowingly collected personal information about a child without verifiable parental or legal guardian consent, we will delete this information from our records or take reasonable available steps to anonymize the information.

12. Changes to our Privacy Policy

We may make changes to this Privacy Policy from time to time. Any changes we make will become effective when we post a modified version of the policy on our Website. If the changes we make are significant, we will provide a more prominent notice when required by applicable laws. By continuing to interact with us after the modified version of the Privacy Policy has been posted or you have been informed of such update, you are accepting the changes to the Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to the changes in our Privacy Policy, it is your responsibility to stop interacting with us. It is your obligation to ensure that you read, understand and agree to the latest version of the Privacy Policy. The “Effective Date” at the top of the Privacy Policy indicates when it was last updated.

13. Who can you contact with Privacy Questions?

If you have any questions about how we handle your personal information, please contact our Privacy Officer as indicated below.

Manager, Grants and Community Relations
6125 route de l’Aéroport
St-Hubert, QC J3Y 0V9