Our Partners

The Molson Foundation proudly supported the following organizations in 2024

OrganizationGrant PurposeAmount
Allo Prof! Towards the Alloprof - 100% Adapted Project – Seed Funding 50K
Anémone 47 Towards the “Symphonies de soins” Project25K
Association pour l'intégration sociale Towards the Maison Émile Aurélie Expansion Project 50K
Benedict Labre House Inc. Towards their Capital Campaign “Together, let's build opportunities for all!” 100K
Bishop's University FoundationTowards the Women’s Varsity Hockey Team Program – Seed Funding100K
Canadian Institute for Advanced Research Towards their 40th Anniversary Campaign 100K
Cancer Research SocietyTowards the Pan-Canadian Lung Cancer Translational Research Grant Competition125K
Centraide of Greater MontrealTowards the Collective Impact Project - Phase II225K
Centre d’animation de développement et de recherche en éducation CADRETowards the Bursaries of Ten Students from Low-income Families to Study in a Private High School – Seed funding50K
Centre For Addiction and Mental Health Foundation Towards the Child and Youth Mental Health Pillar of the “Today Campaign”200K
Collectif Aliment-Terre Towards their Expansion Project 100K
Dépôt alimentaire NDGTowards the "Boîte à Lunch" Program100K
Douglas Mental Health University Institute FoundationTowards the Novel Pathways to Care Project - Seed Funding600K
Fondation AléoTowards The Molson Foundation Scholarship Program50K
Fondation Centre PhilouTowards their 2021-2023 Major Fundraising Campaign25K
Fondation de la faune du Québec (Exploramer) Towards the 3rd and Final Phase of their Development Project 100K
Fondation de l'hôpital Maisonneuve-RosemontTowards Revamping the Nuclear Medicine Department50K
Fondation de l'Hôpital Notre-Dame Hospital, Hearst, Ontario Towards the Construction of a New Wing and Expanding their Services 125K
Fondation de l'Institut de recherches cliniques de Montréal (IRCM) Towards the Ribonucleic acid (RNA) Therapeutics Initiative 250K
Fondation de l'Université du Québec à Trois-RivièresTowards the Establishment of the Jarislowsky Chair in Trust and Political Leadership100K
Fondation de l'université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue Towards the “Build the Future Now” Capital Campaign 250K
Fondation du CHU de Québec Towards the Acquisition of State-of-the-art Vital Sign Monitors 250K
Fondation du Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal Towards the MAC’s “Transformation Project” Capital Campaign and its Education Endowment Fund 50K
Fondation Hôpital Charles-LeMoyne Towards the Phase II of the EZResus 2.0 Application 125K
Fondation Laurent Duvernay-Tardif Towards "The 6th Period" and Power Up Programs 250K
Fondation Le Pilier Towards Improving Access to their Adapted Services 50K
Fondation les Petits RoisTowards the Smart Home Project50K
Fondation l'Intermède Towards their Relocation and Expansion Major Campaign 50K
Fondation pour l'art thérapeutique et l'art brut au Québec Towards the Emergency Campaign Parle-moi d’amour… et d’espoir 50K
Fondation Santé Haut-Richelieu - Rouville Towards their Cancer Comfort Kits Project 50K
Fondation Yvon Lamarre Towards the Lise and Yvon Lamarre Centre 75K
Foundation on the tip of the toes Towards their Construction Project 50K
Foundations for Social Change Towards the Vancouver New Leaf Expansion Project 20K
Fredericton Playhouse Incorporated Towards their Major Campaign “Encore!” to Build the New Performing Arts Centre 100K
Glenbow - Alberta Institute Towards the Glenbow Reimagined Campaign 125K
Hadley Community Inc. Towards the Renovation Project of their 4th House 50K
Head & Hands Inc. Towards the Creation of a Third Examination Room 100K
Intégration TSA Towards Their 2022-2027 Major Campaign 150K
La Compagnie Jean Duceppe Inc. Towards their Major Campaign “Centre de Création Duceppe” 50K
Lachine Hospital Foundation Towards the “Dream Big: Lachine Hospital” Campaign 100K
L'Association du Cancer de l'Est du Québec Towards the Construction of a new Marquee at Hôtellerie Omer-Brazeau 50K
L'Association du Marais-de-la-Rivière-aux-Cerises (LAMRAC) Towards the 2nd Pillar of the Horizon 2028 Major Campaign 25K
L'Étoile de Pacho - Réseau d'entraide pour parents d'enfants handicapés Towards the L’Étoile de Pacho and Sainte-Justine Hospital Pilot Project 50K
Loran Scholars Foundation Towards the Leadership Enrichment Program 50K
Massawippi Conservation Trust Towards the Expansion of their Nature Education Program Pilot Project 50K
McGill University Towards the Establishment of the Robert Stevenson Chair in Religion and Literature 250K
McGill UniversityTowards the French Language Edition of the book "From Charity to Change: Inside the World of Canadian Foundations"10K
Moisson Rive-SudTowards the Capital Campaign “Ensemble Alimentons la Vie”62.5K
Montreal Fluency Centre Towards the "Knowledge is Power" Project – Seed Funding50K
Montreal Holocaust Museum Towards the “Give Voice” Major Campaign 100K
Montreal Sacré-Coeur Hospital Foundation Towards the Let’s Change Lives Together Major Campaign 200K
Mulgrave Road Theatre Foundation Towards the new Mulgrave Road Theatre Centre for the Arts 50K
Old Brewery Mission Foundation Towards their 2023-2028 Major Campaign “Breaking the Cycle of Homelessness” 100K
Plein Milieu Towards the New Evening Centre 50K
Productions Les Gros Becs Towards Their 2023-2025 Major Campaign 25K
REA Foundation Towards the Participatory Space for Innovation in Physical Rehabilitation 250K
Relief - The path of mental health Towards their New Self-management Support Workshops for Youth in CEGEP and University Pilot Project 50K
Répit le Zéphyr Towards their Babies to Pre-schoolers Pilot Project – Seed Funding 50K
Ruelle de l'avenir Towards the Hybrid Version of their Educational Workshops – Seed Funding 50K
Sainte-Justine UHC FoundationTowards the “Grow Beyond” Major Campaign1M
Santropol On Wheels Inc. Towards the Construction of their Agroeducational Centre 250K
Segal Centre for Performing Arts Towards the Expansion of the Segal Academy and its Bursary Program 50K
Société de l'Autisme Région de LanaudièreTowards the Construction of a New Centre in Lanaudière for People with Autism Spectrum Disorder50K
Teresa Dellar Palliative Care Residence Foundation Inc. Towards the Montreal Institute for Palliative Care 150K
The Foundation of the "Université de Sherbrooke" Towards their “Choosing to Change the Future” Campaign 250K
The Lighthouse, Children and Families Towards Expanding the Nurses' Station and Pharmacy 110K
The Montreal Children's Hospital Foundation Towards the “Unexpected Ways to Heal” Capital Campaign 250K
The Montreal General Hospital Foundation Towards the “Together Against Cancer Campaign” 1M
The Perley and Rideau Veterans' Health Centre Foundation Towards the "Answering the Call" Campaign 50K
The Sir Mortimer B. Davis Jewish General Hospital Foundation Towards the “Tomorrows Are Made Here” Capital Campaign 1M
The Study School Foundation Towards “The Great Women of Tomorrow” Bursary Fund 500K
The Veritas Fund Towards the Endowment Fund of “The Path Forward” Campaign50K
Université de l'Ontario français Towards the “Faire le monde en français” Major Campaign 200K
University of Guelph Towards the Grove Youth Wellness Centre 75K
University of Ottawa Towards the TRANSFORMATION 2030 Campaign and the Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute (OLBI) 125K
University of Waterloo Towards the Velocity Innovation Arena 100K
Ville de Montréal-OuestTowards the Montreal West Sports and Recreation Centre 2.050K
Vivre avec la fibrose kystique Towards the Launch of a New Program to Promote a Healthy Lifestyle and Physical Activity – Seed Funding 36K
West Island Mission Towards their Expansion Project 50K
Young Musicians of the World Towards the Expansion of their Afterschool Program 25K
Youth and Philanthropy Initiative CanadaTowards the Expansion of their National Program in Quebec and Eastern Canada 50K
YWCA Foundation of Montréal Towards their Fundraising Campaign for the Construction of a New Building100K